Anon Imperfect Mum


Now that there is only a week until students return find myself feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of sending my kids back. I really don’t think I want to, my anxiety is in over drive and I’m scared for them, no social distance rules? What? So we’ve spend the past two months home just for them to go back to their normal (which especially for my youngest, that’s also asthmatic, means hugging friends daily) it seems crazy to me. I’m not ready but I also don’t want to be the only parent not sending my kids back due to my own fears and anxiety. Help! What is everyone else feeling? thinking? doing? with the return..

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Kids

9 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m in two minds about it because my 13 year old son has chronic lung disease. I would prefer to keep him home until he sees his respiratory specialist in early June, but unfortunately due to shared care he will be with his father the week school goes back so he’ll most likely get sent. In the latest email from school they’ve said that any symptoms of colds or flu and the kids will be sent home. So as soon as his cough flares up, which it often does at this time of year with the cooler weather, he’ll be sent home. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I assume school is aware of your child’s asthma? They should still provide schoolwork for your child given they have a medical condition putting them at higher risk. You may need to get a letter from the specialist or GP for that to happen.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm not in Queensland but last time I looked they were going well by flattening the curve, I think the only state I would be worried to live in right now is Victoria, it seems to be going back to how it was in the beginning with cases popping up and causing small clusters, this is what turns into massive clusters if they don't get on top of it. So I was surprised to read Vic is also lightening restrictions. I've gone a bit off track ...

I think it's fine to send them back now. Yes, it's frightening to think what could happen if a second wave hits but you also have to balance that fear out with statistics. Even asthmatic kids are beating this thing. We have amazing hospitals and staff that have benefited from watching the world fight this thing because they have taken on board what works and what doesn't, ready to give the best treatment. You have to remind yourself that there's quite a few things that need to happen to make your nightmare come true, which means there's a pretty slim chance of it happening.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm in QLD. I'm counting down the days as DS needs to be in school. I'll miss him, but not home schooling as it's been gruelling. His teacher is very demanding & gives out way too much work with little to no direction or feedback.

I went through the guilt/fear/anxiety part when I sent DD back to kindy, but there's been no problem. She's much happier to be with her friends again. There's no active cases in our region & I can't keep them home indefinitely, especially considering there's no vaccine guarantee. Now playgrounds are open my kids want to go & there's risk there as well.

Just go one day at a time. If any cases are detected they'll close the school.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it totally depends on your area and the surrounds. Where I am, there hasn't been any active cases since the very beginning and they've since all recovered. If another case happened to poo up, I'd go back into strict iso again but while we don't and haven't had any cases in such a long time, I think we are safe.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m in NSW, I understand your nervousness. I have sent me son to school this whole time 2 days a week as I blessed to still be able to work (not from home though). I felt ok with this as there was only 3 kids going in his class on those days. They averaged 20-25 across the whole school. Now more kids are returning I’m becoming more nervous sending him. Now there are easily 10-15 per day in his class..

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think considering there is only 12 active cases in QLD, I’m not too worried about it plus with all the safety measures in place in the schools. However with that being said, when borders do open (especially with NSW and VIC with new cases still being reported everyday), that will raise my level of anxiety with just being out in public places as well!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I live in Tasmania and we have decided even though no new cases our daughter won't be going back to school until term 3 or when we feel comfortable. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing do what you think is right for your family. Everyone is different. It made me so anxious About her going back so easy fix I will keep home schooling until we feel it's safe. Our school wasn't impressed but check the department of education website for your state and see what it says as ours says they can stay home . 🌼

Anon Imperfect Mum

Covid might be around for years. Are you going to keep them home for years? There is def a risk but that’s not going away quickly. It’s all about traceability now

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was like this beofre school closures. I took my kids out 3 weeks earlier than the suggested date. The. numbers were higher and it was all a little unknown. I am sending my kids back Monday with confidence and no anxiety. Take a look at the bigger picture. 12 cases in total for the entire population of Queensland. QLD is huge area. I think it’s fine to send them back. Our airports and borders are closed and our gov is handling it well. First sign of dramatic increases Then I will take my kids out again but I know they will be fine.
