Son punching himself, adhd

Anon Imperfect Mum

Son punching himself, adhd

My 9 year old son has been diagnosed with adhd and anxiety. I have just started him on saterra today. The last couple of days, when he gets cranky he starts punching himself in the head quite hard and saying he hates himself and wishes he was dead. It’s really quite heart breaking to watch. I don’t know what to do when he is like that? How long before I see the effects of saterra working? I don’t know what to do anymore??

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

We saw minor changes within 2 weeks and could see more major changes after 4-6 weeks.
It really didn't hit me how hard it is for a child with ADHD to get through a school day until I asked my son about 3 weeks in, if he felt any different, how was school going etc. He's response was, Oh it's been great, I can actually listen to what the teacher tells me to do now and I don't interrupt her when she's telling me! Something that seems so easy, is a huge ask of anyone with ADHD. They struggle to understand at this age why everyone else finds the same school work so easy but they themselves are getting it.
