Parenthood guilt/depression

Anon Imperfect Mum

Parenthood guilt/depression

Not much of a question, more of a vent... I'm so tired of being homeless with my children! 800 a fortnight or just under 400 a week to live in a caravan when I could pay that for a home for myself and children.... It's been since March that we have been here and it's starting to effect my depression alot more the longer we are here...

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt

15 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why are you there? Why arent you in a home? A townhouse could be below $300 a week. Why cant you apply and move in?

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to be approved first derrr 🤭

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you have any black marks against your name?

Are rental agencies hesitant to rent to you because of your reputation? Law suits you’ve lost? What appears on your Facebook profile? Do you have a job and good references?

Do you have the capabilities to move are you willing to move somewhere with better job opportunities?? Where housing is more readily available and owners are so desperate for a renter that they will take anyone?

Maybe the opportunities will be better somewhere else. Maybe it’s time to move forward and make a change?? Staying in the same place is lovely and all. But sometimes making a change may help you improve your life. If you aren’t willing to take the leap then you’ll constantly be falling into that same puddle you’re currently in.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My lease ran out back in March and due to the house being sold to the owner and them wanting to move their family into the home I had to pack up and go... I'm not sure if I am black listed, I haven't lost any law suits and my Facebook is privatised. I don't have a job atm I am studying.

Anon Imperfect Mum

So being able to stay home and study and pay 400 a week now, you will be able to rent. Why havent you applied for any?

Anon Imperfect Mum

So...why not apply for houses? I am so confused

Anon Imperfect Mum

Stop or go part time with the study and get a job.
It’s bloody hard at the moment, but you’re living in a caravan, you need a job.
Good luck, this covid19 has made it hard for many families.
Sending you love, you’ve got this xxxx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Would there be any reasons you would be black listed? Previous rentals? I know someone in a similar situation except I’m pretty sure she’s been black listed by previous owners due to un paid rent, drug charges, damages to property etc and keeps being upset by not being able to get a rental due to issues from her previous rentals.

It’s sad that she cannot get a rental but she has really caused her own issues. I wouldn’t want to rent to her either. I would be making sure you haven’t been black listed and find out what their issues are with you. Do you have pets or just children. Are they adult children who have the ability to look after themselves and get their own rentals?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Omg I have been applying for private rentals....

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you need to give more context before people can give more helpful advice. How many kids, how old, when will you graduate, is your income and debts ok at the moment, do you want to stay in that area, so youre applying, do yoy know why youre unsuccessful? Are houses expensive there? Plenty available? Why only private? Hows your rental history, how many kids/bedrooms are you applying for

Anon Imperfect Mum

Honestly mate, I’m a single mum and would love to study full time, but I can’t because I have mouths to feed. You need a job.

Jessica Ward

That's so fucking rude.
And as anon as well.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don’t see how what people have written is rude. Asking for more information isn’t rude, nor is suggesting to get a job. Landlord/ realestate proper tenants to have a job.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you need to re group. can you find work in your area? how old are the kids how many ? maybe you need to put study on hold both from a financial perspective and the time it takes. See if you can find work. that will definitely help with rentals. I would also ask the agents if there is a specific reason you are unsuccessful in your applications. No work is probably a big one. Big hugs covid has made life hell for many, other option have you contacted community housing? centrelink? or even the salvos? they might be able to open a door you haven't thought of.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Here are some options that may help you:
- walk into a complex that has vacant townhouses available to rent, speak with managers and apply in person. (I know alot of people who have done this and have secured a place to live and most will advertise on the front of the complex gate if they have vacancies or not)

- Put your studies on hold until you get your living situation sorted especially if it is causing you more depression.

- Find a job, even if it's part time as any landlord/property manager will take this into account.

- If you have a clean rental record the
apply for ALL house rentals not just private. Make this your priority!

I became a single mother of 3 and pregnant, desperately needing somewhere to live in a hurry for myself and my children after my relationship broke down. I spent every single minute I could on finding a home for me and my children. I had hardly any money, no financial help from the father and the only income I had coming in was from my part time job which was a around $1300 a fortnight no extra $$ from centrelink or child support. We ended up living in a 3 bedroom granny flat for 2+yrs until I could get us into something better and more suited to our needs/wants... The amount of money you are paying to rent a caravan is more than I paid for a granny flat.
If your paying that amount for a caravan and can get a good reference I imagine that you would have no problem finding a home.

Good Luck!
