Going crazy - Pregnancy Symptoms


Going crazy - Pregnancy Symptoms

Alright so I am always the first to say "take a test", "go get a blood test".. all that jazz. So believe me I feel crazy.

Anyways, so story starts about 4 months back where I was having slight spotting and cramps. I took a test that showed up potentially positive (clear lines however it looked as though the test was faulty). Ever since, negative tests. I went to the doctors and they didn't bother with a blood test as I was only just 1.5 month PP (had a period already).. instead I was sent for an internal scan. No sac was found however my uterus wasn't it's usual size and it was deemed inconclusive. Covid happened, negative tests and the inconclusive scan meant that I was pushed aside by doctors and had no real reason to pursue it.

So that leads me to here.. 4 months later. I've gained a bit of weight despite eating better, consistent bloating occurring. I have had what I would say morning sickness - a LOT of nausea consistently, vomiting, food aversion, intense cravings, diarrhoea.. you name it. Every symptom under the sun. Even that ammonia smelling urine.

Add to this, I have having I guess the phenomenon of phantom kicks.. ALL the time. Like, at least 20 times a day I stop and think wow that felt like a baby kicking.

But here's the kicker.. I still am bleeding since having my baby 6 months ago. Not huge bleeding, but consistent spotting and a few clots here and there. And then braxton hick type contractions began.. even my friends have asked if I am by chance pregnant of late (and not in an offensive way).

I have taken I reckon 20 pregnancy tests, all negative since that one positive.

I've been to the doctors on multiple occasions (every two weeks), heck even see a gyno but no one has really done anything further. I've been given progesterone, oestrogen, vitamin B injections, iron tablets, changed contraceptions two times.. but no one has ever actually checked anything because a negative pregnancy test means no pregnancy.

But now I am just going crazy. Like why do I have alllllll these symtpoms that are only getting worse as time goes on, in particular the phantom kicks?

Another pregnancy is not what I want so I feel like I am not "wishful" thinking so to speak.

Any advice ladies?!

Posted in:  Pregnancy

7 Replies


So have you had a blood test yet? I’d be going back to the doctors and requesting a blood test and another scan. You’re within your rights to ask for them to be done. It seems strange to me they haven’t taken blood both to rule out pregnancy but any other underlining issues that may be there


Nope - been to SIX different doctors, they’ve seen the bleeding and other issues happening But no blood tests what so ever!


Book in for a blood test then you’ll know for sure.


Go to your GP and say 'I'm here to get a referral for blood tests and scans'. I've learned to state what I need rather than let them decide.

If the GP seems reluctant remind them you have concerns that are affecting your life, causing stress & need to have them investigated.


Agreed! You have to ask.


I’d love to know what the outcome has been for you


No outcome thus far, in a Melbourne hot spot so booked in for a scan end of August :(
