Noises in head


Noises in head

My son says he hears noises in his head. It might be constant but he mostly only notices it when it's quite. He can't describe what it sounds like. He says it doesn't sound like a real noise. He also hears quite noises when falling to sleep or when waking. He has asd. Does anyone have the same happen with their children?

Posted in:  Kids, Aspergers & Autism

6 Replies


Best to see a child psychiatrist as sometimes this kind of thing can relate to schizophrenia .


Tinnitus maybe?
Before i knew what that was, i genuinely felt like i was going insane. Noises i thought were in my head was actually my ears being dicks lol.

Definitely think this is something that requires medical attention though as it could be a multitude of things.


Go to your GP as it sounds like tinnitus


Tinnitus. I have this myself.


Tinnitus. I have it. When there is a lot going on I can't hear it, but when it's quite it's so loud. Mine sounds like white noise, normally quite dull in sound. But sometimes I get a super high pitched ring and it throws me off balance and I get dizzy.

My poor hubby has to put up with my blaring the TV or radio because I can't hear it at the level he does because of my background noise.


My 8 year old son has a sensory processing disorder and also hears noises. We tend to find this heightens at times when he is feeling most anxious, e.g. bed time. Sensory processing goes hand in hand with ASD, so perhaps your little fella's hearing is heightened and he can hear things we cannot? I have also questioned what to do about this too, as a parent it's sometimes hard to work out what to brush off and what not to brush off :)

I work in mental health. Always get physical health checked first to elimate any underlying health issues. If that's all cleared, then see a psychologist that specialises in ASD and sensory processing. Unsure how old your son is, but diagnosing personality disorders in children is uncommon and doesn't normally occur until late teens (16-18+). I would focus on ASD and sensory and understand their correlation, triggers and strategies to help your son with the noises.

