How do you know if you’re done having kids?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do you know if you’re done having kids?

How do you know if you’re done having kids? I felt like I was done. I enjoy sleeping through the night. I enjoy not wearing breast feeding clothing. And I do not miss vomiting every morning until lunch time for 4 months. I have two beautiful, healthy girls. But I still have these weird pangs of wanting another one. Not often, but it still happens... and in saying that my youngest only just turned two.

My husband is thinking it’s time for a vasectomy, but he said he will have another if I really want one. I just don’t know if the feeling will pass. I’ve had trouble with miscarriages in the past and I am worried if I had to go through that again, emotionally I would be struggling big time on top of working, having my two girls and just doing life while grieving. I dunno..? Just hoping someone can give me some insight? Do you regret not having a third down the track?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Pregnancy

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

For me, it wasn’t a done feeling. It was a decision I made based on circumstances, so I got my tubes tied. I never regretted my decision.
The really done feeling cane about 10 years later.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My youngest is 8, I have 4.... I’m not done personally, but Financially and life wise we are finished. We have to be.
