Toilet training with kidney and urology issues?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training with kidney and urology issues?

Hi sisterhood..

Has anyone had experience with toilet training.. a child with urology and kidney issues ?

It's been a long road , but he is now 4.5 and has mastered number 2's in the toilet but and he can wee in the toilet but often still has a lot of wet accidents, rarely any number 2 accidents. We are just focusing on day training for now.

Our specialist said it is hard to train children with kidney issues and were ok with that but just looking for stories, rips, tricks, things that you think made it click, we've tried explaining the balloon feeling but we think he already has a degree of pressure feeling as he has kidney reflux as well

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

There are medications for this. My daughter wee'd in her pants constantly right up until around year 6/7. Teena Pads for (men) and women masked the smell, but the medication could be worth a try? We also used a TENS machine on my daughter every night for 30 mins before bed. It helps them recognise their pelvic floor, and strengthens their bladder muscles. 6 to 10 months is the usual treatment .

Anon Imperfect Mum


Original poster here. Who did you support from for the use of a TENS machine? Thanks for your response.
