Dyslexia help Father and Son


Dyslexia help Father and Son

My Husband and I think our 6.5 year old son is dyslexic. We have spoken to our gp about it but they werent worried about him and said he is a normal boy (then said Dr retired). His school teacher has expressed concerns to us about possible dyslexia as he is struggling in certain subjects and is clearly over-compensating.
Where do we go for help? Is it back to a Dr? What can we do if we get dismissed again?

Also, I think my Husband has undiagnosed dyslexia. Where can he get help? Can anyone even help him now as an adult?? I have lots of reasons why i think my husband is, and a major one is looking at his school reports and school work it is so similar to our son's its spooky. There are similar comments made by his teachers, but my Mother in Law said that his teachers didnt know what they were talking about and no son of hers is an idiot (yeah she is
as delightful as she sounds).

How can i help my boys??

We are in South West, Western Australia if that helps.


Posted in:  Education, Kids

4 Replies


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Hi there I’m in south west wa aswell, I actually spoke to my son and daughters teachers both when they were in about year 3/4 and the teachers expressed they thought it was dyslexia.
Through the school a professional came and tested them (years apart this was)
From this testing I found my daughter has dysgraphia and my son dyslexia aswell both have very poor working memory.
I unfortunately couldn’t get my son tested for free through the school so his was a couple of hundred $ .
From there I worked with the school to create learning programs to help with extra assistance and adapted tasks for them.


It’s quite possible your husband has undiagnosed dyslexia, I think the condition is more common than we think and many people probably have it, have struggled a bit through life for various reasons but have no idea that’s it’s because of dyslexia and /or related conditions. My husband struggled through primary school but hid it so well that he wasn’t given an assessment until year 7. Thankfully teachers are more on the ball these days and earlier intervention is possible. If he is dyslexic your son may be also as it can be genetic.
Personally I would try and seek out a good GP and go from there, for both your husband and son. And don’t listen to your MIL.
All the best mumma.


I am in QLD, so not much helping with where to go. But the school raised concerns about my daughter and we had her tested and she does have dyslexia. I think it's worth helping your son with getting a diagnosis and support.
