Anon Imperfect Mum


Im so over my son and his inability to take responsibility for his actions. He's ADHD, and also ODD, witch is so much worse then adhd and that can't really be medicated, so I know this is a given, just one of many things that come with the diagnosis, but I'm so over th blame game. I know when he's lying, he gets all fefencive when he's lying, blames every one else for lying about what he's done, they all hate him and so on, but when truthful, he's a simple "no, I didn't do that" calmly. I'm hoping with age he will soon gain more control but omg.

Posted in:  Behaviour

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hang in there Mum it sounds like you are doing a great job just by having that attitude and not letting him use his disorders as excuses for behaviour or blame other people. Number one pet hate of mine. He will eventually get there!

Anon Imperfect Mum

How old is he? My 15yo son has ADHD and never outright denies and lies like that. It doesn't sound like an effect of ADHD , it sounds like something else going on with him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

A lot of kids do it, not just ADHD kids.

Anon Imperfect Mum

ODD is opposition defiance disorder - not all people with ADHD are diagnosed with it, it is just a lot more common in people who also have ADHD

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son is 15 and had ADHD, ODD and CD. He’s yet to take full responsibility for any of his actions, still can be dishonest and has a tendency to fly off the handle when angry or confronted about his behaviour. It got worse during puberty (11-14) but he’s starting to calm down a little now and is handling things a little better. Lying less and managing his emotions better. I’m hopeful now so hold strong!! Best thing I did was get a psychologist and youth worker for him. Good luck

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd highly recommend seeing a psychologist. They have helped us implement strategies to deal with the emotional outburst, to the point we can see them coming and can help stop them from getting out of hand.

Anon Imperfect Mum

ODD is so hard to deal with. Go easy on yourself, youre doing great, even if youre not seeing the results right now.
