Has anyone else had vulvar varicose veins during pregnancy ? If so how did you treat the pain and did they go away after birth ?
I have one and it is extremely painful when standing for too Long, I have 20 weeks left
I have seen my doctor about this I just want to hear other people’s stories
3 Replies
See ur GP
Yes!!! They became quite painful toward the end. My doctor told me no way to stop them or make them go away during pregnancy but staying off feet as much as possible will help them not continue to get bigger/worse and also help to reduce pain. The best thing I did was to fork out the money for a pair of SRC pregnancy shorts. They are expensive but really helped the pain. I couldn’t go a day without wearing them by the end.
They disappeared with a week in pretty sure. Didn’t take long at all.
Yes! Gosh I still remember the pain.
Mine resolved shortly after birth, I tried to keep off my feet for long periods or time and when I couldn’t keep off my feet I wore src pregnancy shorts.
It feels like it’s not going to get better but I can assure you it does.
I feel like I still get them pain around that time of the month though. But much more manageable