Childs anger

Anon Imperfect Mum

Childs anger

Im struggling big time with my 8 year old. He's so defiant and gets pissed off big time.
We've taken him to a paediatrician who said his main issue is his defiance and that he understands 100% right from wrong.
We constantly remind him to take deep breaths and walk away if something or someone annoys him but today he started hitting.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Im emotionally exhausted. Ive had many conversations with him and he knows he has done wrong thing but just says he was frustrated and couldn't control himself.

Posted in:  Behaviour

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’d start looking for a child psychologists.
I’ve found paediatricians are great at identifying/ruling out disorders etc but they don’t teach alternate behaviours and coping mechanisms.

Anon Imperfect Mum

A child psych has helped my 9year old so much. He doesn't want to get angry or lash out but had to learn the tools to stop it getting to that point. Don't know if you are in cairns but I highly recommend the Catepillar clinic
