Hi there mums,
I have a 9yr old daughter and an 8yr old daughter, my partner also has a 10yr old daughter. At what age do you think it would be best to start teaching the girls about the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow older? When the changes do happen, how do you stop the girls from panicking or freaking out about it?
6 Replies
And it's best to have ongoing and open conversations about all this, not just a once off talk.
The more you discuss things, the more normalised they become and the less likely they are to panic or freak out when the time comes.
It depends on the child but nine Ive started about body changes and also she might notice it in herself or classmates, and some might get it worse than others, like zits or BO, but you will all get it so be kind.
Now :) my sister was 8 when she got her period. Myself 10 almost 11. We also developed a chest very young.
My cousins all got their periods between 8-10 also.
Thank you ladies, you've been a great help!
About 2 or 3 years ago....
About 2 years ago....