Sleep Toubles with 9 year old.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sleep Toubles with 9 year old.

Sleep Toubles
9 year old DD suddenly started have trouble sleeping. For the last month we have been battling bedtime, this mumma is at her whits end! Bedtime routine has remained the same, we have also taken Ipad away. DD is constantly getting up out if bed, drink, toilet to dark to much light, lonely ect. This has not been an issue for a long time. Yesterday in desperation I went out and purchased a weighted blanket thinking it would help it didn't. Bedtime is 8:00 pm and we play the fight sleep game until 11 sometimes later and it's exhausting. I'm frustrated tired and finding hard to keep my cool. We have tried herbal melatonin spray and lavender but nothing is working! Has anyone had similar experiences, anyone willing to give this mumma some idea. If I ignore her she crys if I go in she settles then crys a wonders 5 mins later!

Any help or suggestions for this tired mumma? Thank you

Posted in:  Mental Health, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Kids

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My 9yo DD is the same - struggles to quiet her mind and switch off. Her psych has recommended to switch off devices 1.5 hours before bedtime, finding activities to do with soft light, reading, puzzles etc. She uses a meditation app (Moshi) and has a playlist on there we bluetooth to a speaker in her room. We also make 8:30 bedtime with lights out by 9pm. We're a work in progress but we're getting there.
