Violent toddler

Anon Imperfect Mum

Violent toddler

I just want to know if I should be concerned or not about my toddlers behaviour. Im hoping to hear that he's completely normal and will grow out of it.
My son is only 19 months old. Hes intelligent and hitting milestones very early but is so naughty and violent towards his big brother (4) and the other babies/toddlers at his daycare.
My other son was never like this.
He hits, bites, scratches and pinches. He will look me in the eye and giggle as he throws things at his brother to make him cry.
At the moment I'm trialing time outs as he just laughs when I sternly say no to him. I feel he is just too young to understand consequence.
He hits me as well to get a reaction from me. I've tried pretending to be hurt and he gives me a kiss better but then immediately hits me again followed by a kiss and it turns into a game.
My older son is so gentle and caring and my younger son is WILD.
Do I wait it out and treat it as just a phase given he's so young?
Or is this an indication of his future personality?
Tell me I'm overthinking it..

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Kids

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pick up your oldest and give him lots of time and cuddles. Little ones are horrors to the big ones they get spoilt but are still jealous and feel entitled to take spot #1. You have to put him in his place and help him be kind to his brother and see all the kind things his brother does.
Possibly overthinking that hes a psychopath! Id expect it to be a phase but keep communication open with daycare teachers as theyll know whats beyond normal.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s most likely just a phase.

However, people kept telling me, my sons behaviour (different to your child) was just a phase and I’m glad I went against peoples advice and got him checked out by a pediatrician.

Speaking to a doctor isn’t going to hurt, and waits can be long for appointments.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I hate to be the person to say it, but see a pediatrician. It might be a phase, but it's also possible it's a neurological cause. When this happens it's not because they are bad, but their brain is wired differently. If that's the case, they need a different approach.

I'm not saying he is anything diagnosable, I just recognise the types of behaviour as possible red flags for a couple of conditions & should be checked out. Even if not, help is available from psychologists.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This was my boy as a toddler, very charming and intelligent but just couldn't control himself when it came to conflict 😢 The anxiety I felt when picking him up from daycare was really bad, "what sort of day has he had, who has he hurt today" We went to a pediatric doctor and started our journey of diagnosis which ended up being ADHD & ASD lev 2, the sooner you start your journey the sooner he will get support!
