Everything just sux

Anon Imperfect Mum

Everything just sux

Everything just got on top of me and it just broke me today. I’m not depressed or anything but life is just so sh*t right now. I’ve been uncontrollably crying for the last hour. I just go through the motions every day but today, when I think about everything, I just crumbled. The kids, house, car, husband, no friends, no money. When not a single thing is going right in my life right now, how am I supposed to stay positive? How can I get out of this rut! Everything just sux.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories, Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I hear you girlfriend. Sending hugs x

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm sorry to hear you feel like this. Yesterday i spent an hour in my GPs office sobbing because I'm not doing so great and havent been for a while....

I thibk you shoukd see your GP too xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yeah, it's fcukd. Hugs x

Anon Imperfect Mum

Change your mindset, make changes of the things you don’t like. Anything that drags you down get rid of it. No money - find some free things to do with the kids. Pack bread rolls and have a picnic on weekend at a park. House, let it go, it will always be there don’t stress it. Take stress of yourself. Don’t be hard on your self. Don’t try and do to much. Just take it as it is what it is and it won’t be like this forever. Change your mindset. Not everything is going wrong. Ok this isn’t how it should be but it will pass. I don’t have money at the moment but that will get better too. Think positive. Go for big walks. Make things easier on yourself. When you feel like you are going to cry go for a walk for 20
Mins get fresh air, makes a huge difference.
