Issues with my ex husband

Anon Imperfect Mum

Issues with my ex husband

I haven’t posted anything on here for a very long time. It’s been at least 5-6 years.
I was in a very unhealthy and unhappy marriage filled with emotional, verbal and financial abuse. He was 19 years older than me. We have 2 children together (now 8 and 9)
My marriage ended over 4 years ago. It took a lot for me to eventually call it quits.
The last four years has been such an emotional roller coaster. An IVO was put on my ex by the police for harassment, threats and stalking. This was on him for 3 years. He had access to all my accounts and knew all my passwords
He manipulates and brainwashes our kids. He has been telling them over the years that I split the family up, I don’t love them and love my now partner more than them. He targets my daughter more than my son. She is so lost and confused, she becomes distant with me, she’ll lash out and get angry at me. He told the kids that the reason I now have them sleeping in their own beds is so I can have men sleep over in my bed with me. He tells them I’m an idiot, stupid and tells them not to listen to me.
We have court orders in place. He has the children 4 nights a fortnight. He took me to court wanting more nights with them but stated to me that he didn’t want to be paying me child support, so that was pretty much his reason for wanting more time with them. I get a measly $22 a month from him. He doesn’t put in for anything else. And I honestly don’t want his money! It all backfired on him, he ended up getting less than what he had.
He was cutting the children’s hair without speaking to me about it, shaving my sons hair and cutting my daughters hair short, which really upset her. He pierced my sons ears without letting me know. He would sit in his car and watch my reactions as I collected the kids from him. The Family Court put a stop to this. We also did a Family Report, the kids were both taken in to be questioned. It all came out that their father was manipulating them, saying horrible things about me. He tried to make out I was an alcoholic and I abused the kids but he then backtracked. He got caught out. He was caught downstairs telling the kids what to say before they entered the room to be questioned.
He talks about me to parents at the kids school, tells them that I’m stopping him from seeing his kids, he has said all sorts about me. I keep my mouth shut! It upsets me that they actually listen to him and cut me off when they haven’t even heard me out. But I feel like, I shouldn’t have to do that, why should I, just to make them still have something to do with me. He controls how people view me. It’s hurting me so much.
I feel like my kids are going to grow up hating me. I’m trying to stay positive and stay strong but it’s so incredibly hard. I love my kids to bits and want them to have the best future.
My ex will never stop what he’s doing, there’s too much anger and bitterness towards me.
My now partner has been nothing but loving and supportive towards myself and my kids
I want a happy future. He is tearing me down. I will continue being taken to court and spend more thousands of dollars because that’s what he wants! He wants me to have nothing.
I’m so sorry, I really don’t even know what I’m asking, this is more a vent. There’s so much more I can write.

Thank you for listening ❤️

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't have any answers but sending BIG hugs xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you. That really means a lot ❤️

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m sorry your going through this!

I have nothing to offer but sending you love and strength!

I will say though - most people will see through his need to put you down at the school gate! Hopefully you have a tribe of your own for support!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you so much for reading ❤️

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sending you some love.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you ❤️

Anon Imperfect Mum

Grey rock the crap out of him. Your kids and you need to see a psychiatrist that specialises in narcissistic abuse.
That is what you are up against... a textbook narcissist. He thinks he is so clever but he is so textbook he is pathetic.
If he takes you to court again request all contact via a court ordered parenting app. Join some Facebook support groups of victims of narcissistic abuse. Get educated on what NPD is and how to keep yourself and your kids safe. People like him are the true definition of evil and unless someone has faced this evil they can't understand it and many won't even believe you.
But you are not alone. There are many of us that have and are dealing with the exact same thing.
People that completely understand what you are going through, will believe you and help you through this. Love and strength to you ox
