3.5yo toilet troubles

Anon Imperfect Mum

3.5yo toilet troubles

Hi I have a 3 and a half year old girl. She toilet trained around 2.5 ish but was never confident with doing a poo in the toilet or potty. Her poo is sticky/pastey; even after seeing a doctor who suggested movicol. I’m booked for a doctor appointment on Monday to see what needs to be done; whether it be a referral to a private pediatrician or if it’s a matter of eliminating something from her diet. She’s small for her age; 11.5kg but has always been on the 3rd percentile and doctors haven’t been concerned as she meets all milestones and her speech is above average for her age.

I’m just at my wits end; she will wee in the potty but chooses every time to poo in knickers or nighttime nappy. She goes to Kindy next year… any suggestions please? Thanks :)

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think following up with a doctor before you do anything else is the right thing to do. Poo coming much later than wee isn’t uncommon but the consistency won’t be helping her achieve at this point.
Don’t panic about kindy, most kindies will have a couple of kids having trouble with toilet training.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd get a kids toilet seat. Don't put a night nappy on until it's done and whip it off first thing in the morning. When she starts pooing sit her on the toilet. Definitely wipe for her since it's sticky, they hate getting it on her hands so take that issue away and just get her sitting on the toilet to go first.
Give her a step too to put her feet up and push down so the same squat position she can do in her knickers.
