Obviously, there's going to be a lot I can't divulge here without identifying anyone, so I apologise if anything comes off vague in my question.
Long story short. Someone very dear to me recently left a DV relationship. Myself and a few other people help her get back on her feet, chipped in to raise money for her bond and even found a suitable house for her.
Her abuser was charged for DV related crimes and police issued a FVO.
She has decided to move back in with her abuser, she's been back with him for around a month, she abandoned her rental, the bond won't be returned due to unpaid rent and she's screwed her rental history in the process, further trapping herself with her abuser.
A few people who initially helped her are furious, they're actually considering reporting them both to the police for breaching the FVO.
I however am really concerned about the repercussions of doing that, I feel it could put her in harm's way potentially.
Should I try and dissuade my friends from doing that? Especially as I feel there may be an element of spite here given the financial help they gave.
Or should I just let them report it? Maybe it's the rock bottom my friend needs?
6 Replies
I know someone who did this just last week. Went back to her abuser who she took a VRO out on. U can't do anything when it's their choice. As far as the breech part I wonder if the cops would even care since she will only just defend him any way by lying for him . Is it an interim order? Or fully served ?
I am honestly not sure what specific type of order it is, I just know that she didn't necessarily want it but the police placed the order on her behalf as she went to them to report her abuse.
Report it. Sounds nasty but it needs to be done. If she wants the shit kicked out of her then so be it, but kids shouldn't exposed to that. I'd also report to the department too, Maybe the fear of losing her kids will sink some common-sense into her head.
Fully agree. I have no sympathy for women who return to abusers, once they’ve escaped.
And don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in a DV marriage myself. Anyone who’d willingly go back and put their kids in harms way needs to be reported to the police and the relevant child protection authority.
Poster here:
There are no children involved, well at least not directly. This person's children are young adults who live out of home.
Edit your post hun to include the fact that there are no kids involved otherwise once your post reaches the main page all anyone is going to comment on are kids safety issues when it's not the situation