Father of my 10 month old baby is into drugs and out on bail for assaulting someone with a weapon.He has twice weekly visits at his family members house, which was suggested by my solicitor. He has now started to drive around with baby in his car. He has so many enemies that are out to get him. I feel my baby is in danger or am I over reacting. Would be grateful for any advice. He is named on the Birth Certificate .Thank you.x
3 Replies
No way you are over reacting! My baby wouldn’t be going in a car with anyone like that. Stop all visits. Do it before this baby ends up hurt. Do not allow him to take your baby anywhere ever
No, he shouldn't have the baby at all. Sort it out now and set the tone from go, it will make it all easier for you. Go for supervised visits, at a centre, at his cost. Get proper advise and get it sorted now, while he's on bail.
Organise visits at a contact centre at his expense. Have it so his family members can also attend if they want contact with your baby.