What was your breaking point? I need help

Anon Imperfect Mum

What was your breaking point? I need help

If you used to be overweight, Did you have that breaking point when you just went omg, this is it, I have to lose weight?! What was that for you? What was the biggest help for motivation to keep going? How did you keep going? I’m so overweight. I have been called names and been mistaken as being pregnant so many times it’s unbelievable. Every time I say yep this is it I have to lose weight but by night time I’m so sad and exhausted my body feels like it will die if I don’t get my junk food fix! I just can’t get my head in the game at all! Even certain health issues I have doesn’t seem to be enough motivation. I don’t have the money for programs like healthy mummy etc. it honestly feels like it’s impossible to me.

Posted in:  Self Care, Food, Health & Wellbeing

22 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m not hugely overweight but have a really bad relationship with food/binge eating. It’s taken me on and off several years to “fix” it. I didn’t find a breaking point. I just slowly found that little changes were starting to stick sometimes- and that was a start- I still have far to go- but acknowledging the little wins WILL make a difference and also trying to rid the all/nothing mindset. Try something new. If you’re not ready to make diet changes- add an extra 10min walk in each day. Make yourself drink two glasses of water before you take the snack. Delay eating the food 5 mins to sit with the discomfort and then eat it and slowly increase how long you put that binge/snack off and the body learns to cope with cravings in a healthier way. I use a psychologist and need to organise a dietician (there are community services where these are free or heavily discounted ie $10 a session in all states and most areas). But from someone who has and still struggles with eating habits I was always waiting for that hit me moment that never came. Just small changes one at a time

Anon Imperfect Mum

This was me. I have always been around 60-68 kgs max. After needing to go on medications that cause weight gain , I have gained 30 kgs 😭 I have recently felt so unhealthy and disgusting, my Dr has put me on ozempic injections. It’s amazing. I am losing the weight slow now and don’t feel hungry. Def talk to your Dr and ask if you can try it. I know many others on it and it’s changed their lives. I’m starting to feel much better about myself and lighter.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Read below. Changed their lives? Pfft , wait till you all come off it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Some people struggle so much after trying everything. It’s nice to know there is medical options to help give you the kick start. Ask your Dr.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Read below pfft.. it has changed my life. She has asked for what helped others and I have given my advice. Not sure what your issue is. Pfft 🙄

Anon Imperfect Mum

Speak with your Dr , they can give you something to help. I tried duromine but my bp was elevated so now I am on a weekly injection of OZEMPIC and I feel great.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why would you recommend and suggest these dangerous drugs , seriously, they raise blood pressure and heart rate, they create mood disorders, and are legal speed. As soon as you stop their short term usage, you just gain the weight back again as it teaches you nothing . I can't express enough how bad those drugs are for ppl. She needs a healthy lifestyle change , not a drug push.

You only feel great because you haven't hit the withdrawal come down yet.

And It will come.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s far more dangerous being overweight. Drs suggest these for obesity to reduce risks of other problems. If someone didn’t suggest it to me, I wouldn’t have know about it. So glad I saw it help others who struggled. Now I feel great and have lower bp and cholesterol. Get your facts right. Duromine yes but Ozempic no. It’s the best thing I have done, not only for my mental health but my overall health.

Anon Imperfect Mum

As I said with duromine my bp was elevated and I come off. This isn’t the case for everyone and it’s done under Drs supervision. You also start with a small dose. Personally I wasn’t keen on duromine but the ozempic has no side affects for me and many others I know who take it. This is upto her to talk to her gp and what they think it best for her. I feel great and there is no withdrawals to come off of it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I totally get this. Doctors look at risk vs benefit. On average, it is more beneficial for someone struggling with obesity to have this medication to reduce the risk of obesity related diseases vs the side effects of the drug.

OP talk to your doctor, they are the professional and they will discuss with you if it's beneficial for you

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mine was covid lockdowns . I got so fat . A year later I am now a size 7 from a size 16. Keto saved me . High fat foods and no sugar keep you full , so much so that fasting entire days was never a struggle . I'm simply rarely hungry.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My breaking point was seeing me bent over in a full length mirror.
The size of my stomach disgusted me.
(I knew I was big just refused to see it)
I then started thinking surgery but after speaking with my husband we decided to try keto instead.

First month I lost 10kg, second month 5kg and currently into my 3rd month.

Was easy to switch foods, alcohol took a week longer but now I don't even miss it (used to drink a slab of whisky and cola a week)
Cut out soft drink after day 5 (1ltr a day of Coke)

My motivation is seeing the scales move, my clothes getthing losser and watching the tape measure shrink.

Started at 120kg, as of today I am 104 and can't wait to get double digits.

If the scales don't move after 4 days, I fast for 48 hours and don't get hungry at all.
(already fast 16-24 hours each day)
Only eat dinner with the occasional lunch if work has exhausted me too much to continue the rest of the day.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Amazing! Well done!! What did you eat at the beginning?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Most of our dinners stayed the same minus rice, pasta and potatoes.
Cut out sandwiches as bread in high in carbs.
We make our own low carb rolls so I can still have my Ham and salad roll on occasion.

Low carbs, high fat & high protein.

We make muffins, choc chip biscuits and cheesecake so we can still have a dessert.

Heaps of keto friendly recipes on google

Anon Imperfect Mum

My advice - don't wait for some kind of epiphany to come along and kick you in the pants, you may very well be waiting for something that never happens!

Just take the plunge. Decide you need to make some changes and act.
Gets some advice from your GP, set some realistic goals, get some activity into your life, research proper nutrition and portion sizes and address the emotional aspects (there is almost always an emotional aspect).

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s not impossible. Talk to your Dr and find out about the injections that can help. It stops your junk food cravings and sugar cravings. You get to the point that you know you have to try something different if nothing is helping. I don’t care what others say about it, it’s helped me and has done good for my overall health.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Believe it or not you could actually be malnourished. I found my appetite dropped when I started adding vitamins. I also lacked energy because I was low Vitamin B12. A naturopath helped me immensely. Focus on being healthy, versus unhealthy. Weight loss if needed is just a result of being healthier but not the primary goal. Every day make a decision to be healthier and every day congratulate yourself on achieving that. If we focus on the slow progress of a scale it is depressing. Also remember thin does not equal healthy. People complimented me so much when I was really thin and I was really sick. So it's very much about changing the way you think. Also I was calorie and fat counting many times over the years. Keto/Paleo was the key for me. If you can meal plan and swap everything e.g nuts instead of chips rather than restricting foods especially at the beginning then it's a little easier. Keep it simple.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Its been years for me of trying to loose weight, after being smaller before children, having had my first child then falling pregnant again 3 months after, there just wasn't any time to loose the weight I had put on, I've tried all the fad diets with literally a few kgs gone, I only eat dinner and 2x fruit per day, and still haven't lost a thing, my partner left me 4 months ago and I blame myself for not being attractive enough for him, I went to the doctor and she has put me on Ozempic it has been amazing ($120 per month) that's around $4 (a coffee) per day, no side effects, I think its worth having a chat to your doctor and there's a lot of support Facebook pages as well. Good luck

Anon Imperfect Mum

My breaking point was my head screaming at me about how fat and gross I was. You need to find the whys though.. drill right down as to why you really want to lose the weight and change your habits. It has to be for life otherwise you will just repeat over & over . Removing sugar, grains , starches etc will 100% help. Up your water, walk if you can , this is more for your mood than weight loss , eat lots of good fats. Low carb healthy fat is key. Eat when you a hungry and only til you’re satisfied. There’s so much great info out there. Research & Knowledge is your friend. Good luck!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I hated myself, I thought I was so ugly, revolting and worthless and unworthy of love and friends (despite having a gorgeous loving husband and completely non judgemental friends)
I wasnt me anymore, I was just that fatso with a disgusting body. All of my self worth was wrapped up in my weight.
I didn't want to go anywhere, I started avoiding my family and would come home in tears if I saw someone I knew at the supermarket because I was so ashamed.
I was an expert at diets and was a pro at losing weight. I could just never keep it off which added to my disgust at myself for failing all the time.
I am 4 years post sleeve tomorrow actually :) and I can honestly say I love myself.
I lost nearly 60kg and found me again.
Don't waste anymore time beating yourself down. You will never regret doing this for yourself just wishing you'd done it sooner xxx

Anon Imperfect Mum

My breaking point was way later than it should be. I was 200kg and got a referral to a bariatric surgeon. Had surgery in December and am now 44kg down and feeling great. Depending on your history of dieting and checks on your blood tests - and starting weight - I have to say it’s not easy but it’s been worth it for me. As someone who has yo-yo dieted my whole life, since early teens in fact, this is a full lifestyle change to smaller portions and healthier eating.

Maree Hutchin

I’ve lost 15kg… from 105kg to 90kg… from cutting out potato, pasta and bread. If I cut carbs out completely I get cranky…. But if I eat too much I get addicted to them and can’t stop. So I try to limit my serves… I just have to limit my serves.
