Parenting failure
I have two girl - 13 & 15.
They have one household job each alternate week - empty the dishwasher.
They are the laziest humans around. Any incentives or encouragement is fraught with “no”.
We have tried reducing privileges until they become active participants in the house.
We live in a city but on a big block - we have huge vege gardens, chooks and breed canaries. They point blank refuse to have any involvement in any of this. I can remember the last time they walked outside without shoes on! - ie going somewhere.
My eldest has no respect for me and calls me atrocious names. My youngest believes her “job is to go to school” our job is to do everything else. You know, we kinda thought we were strict parents but there is no getting anything out of these kids! They are so lazy!
I want to know honestly what the expectations are on your teens in the household chores.
7 Replies
All my teens have been terrible. Then my eldest daughter started to change and realised she liked having a clean room and started wanting to learn how to clean properly. She loves the praise I give her and she also seems to have developed more empathy on the other side of trying to work out her own identity. I am now more relaxed and realising that they will all probably grow out of it a bit and as much as its annoying that they want to sleep later, eat more and sit and grow. I need to just give them time. When they move out they will probably all be neat freaks lol.
Being the bill payer is powerful, turn the WiFi off, even turn the power off until they do what you've asked. Do not do any of their washing, they can do this. Give them pocket money and fine them when they don't do a job.
Time to get tough, but you’ve probably let it slide too long. My son was an active participant in house chores from as soon as he could walk. About the teenage years he emptied the dishwasher daily. Fed a pet daily. Did a load of his own washing, and put all his washing etc away. Kept his own room tidy, and basically did anything that was asked. He would also cook a dinner once a week.
I have a 14 year, know the feeling 😂
This sounds like my sd16
She's lazy & rude has her hand out for money but won't do any jobs
I'm at my wit's end
So I will be reading all comments
I know how you feel
Take away wifi , phones ..
At their age they should be helping around the house , it prepares them for when they move out .
My 12 year old and 9 year old do things such as washing dishes every night after dinner without being reminded ( one washes , one dries ) they make their school lunches and occasionally hang washing out . I don’t ever get a complaint out of them .
I would be turning off wifi and taking away phones . My kids don’t get screen time untill chores are completed.
Teens suck!