Am I doing enough

Anon Imperfect Mum

Am I doing enough

Hi ladies

I really don’t know what iam asking here but I feel like I need to vent and possibly find strategies to try and help me to manage.

Recently I have felt the weight on my chest as I have been stressed out and struggling with everything I have a special needs pre teen who I feel is struggling with starting puberty and he hasn’t been able to communicate that properly with anyone and we have spoken to him about that multiple times so has his teachers and we have gotten him in to see a psychiatrist as I feel that is what is needed for him to try and help him.

Then almost 4 weeks ago I hurt my ankle thankfully is not broken but I am required to wear a boot for 6 to 8 weeks until it heals which is hard and also I have type 2 diabetes which is already taking its toll on me and I haven’t been able to do anything like get my house cleaned enough to be satisfied that it’s clean enough as I can’t stand mess and I’m used to being independent and being organised and it’s causing my anxiety to go through the roof then to top it off just over a week ago (11th of March) my partner hurt is knee at work so he hasn’t been much help even though he is getting around better then what I am I feel even though I’m trying my hardest with trying to raise my pre-teen and toddler as well as keep up with housework and everything else going on I feel that I’m ready to explode and the feeling of just wanting to run away my therapist has been trying to help me navigate everything in regards to how I’m feeling and been trying to give me techniques on how to handle Everything I feel that I need a couple of days alone to try and get everything back in order at home so can get to where I need to be as i know that I have already taken the right steps to get my pre-teen the help that is needed but it’s just the fact that my partner isn’t been helpful in the cleaning process as my toddler has so far been easy at the moment as I have been trying to push myself like always to try and get stuff done has anyone been though something similar to try and help give me strategies to try and help or am I just being to hard on myself im already feeling guilty about the fact that I can’t help myself or my kids more then I am already trying to

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Aspergers & Autism

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You are being so hard on yourself, but I can understand how mess can cause an increase in anxiety etc.

The only thing I’d consider, is hiring some help on a short term basis. Having a once off house cleaner can give you a leg up so to speak.
