Hello sisterhood,
my son is 4yrs old and has been displaying behavioural issues at his new childcare. Spitting, biting, hitting, kicking and using explicit language. We have been getting several incident forms to sign daily (up to 8 a day) along with phone calls and it is taking a toll on my partners and my mood along with constantly discussing it with my son in the evenings. My question is that I am in a position to change him back to his previous centre where behaviour still occurred but was minimal, he had friends and staff knew him well or do we stick it out for the rest of the year knowing he is unhappy?
Son displaying behaviour at new centre.
Son displaying behaviour at new centre.
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8 Replies
If your child is acting that way you need to get him assessed. That isn’t ‘normal’ 4 year old behaviour. Whether it was minimal at the old centre or extreme at this one it is not appropriate or ok. Get your child assessed and make sure that he is receiving all the care he needs.
Can I ask why you moved him to begin with?
And are you guys looking doing anything to investigate the cause of this behaviour?
Because it isn't really normal, even on a minimal basis.
I'd say it may be time to get some professional help and possibly getting him assessed.
It’s rarely as simple as moving back to the old centre. The stress of any change can trigger an escalation in behaviour in some children. The change back, can just cause another stress.
But if you think it’s because of different expectations in the new centre then changing may calm everything down for the short term.
You definitely need to start investigations into what’s going on with your child (if you haven’t already) with a paediatrician and child psychologist. School is coming quite quickly and you’ll want to find the most appropriate placement for him and give the school as much information as you can so he can have smooth transition.
Does he have support? Have you spoken to GP for some sort of an assessment? I have a 4yo son and whilst he is definitely not an angel, this is not a typical behaviour for a child.
He may have been the same at the old centre but the staff may have been lax in reporting to you.
You need to see a go and have him assessed.
He may have been the same at the old centre but the staff may have been lax in reporting to you.
You need to see a go and have him assessed.
I think this has less to do with the centre and more to do with the kids amping up existing behaviour. He needs to be assessed by a paediatrician to understand why he is struggling with emotional regulation and interacting with in his environment. Moving centres won't change either of those things. The faster you find cause and can support help for him will you find explanations for these challenges
where Is a 4 year old learning that language?