Unfair dismissal

Anon Imperfect Mum

Unfair dismissal

Has anyone used a no win no fee lawyer to fight against an unfair dismissal claim? I unfortunately have been let go from my job due to a medical condition. I have been bullied, discriminated against all due to this medical condition. Or does anyone know of a good lawyer based in Victoria or the best action to take?

Any advice is much appreciated 🙏

Posted in:  FAQ

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you reported it to fairwork Australia? I think you need to go through their protocols first or at least they will be able to tell you if you have a case or not. Bullying is definitely not OK but unfortunately depending on what your medical condition is they may have had grounds to terminate employment. Example, my stepson has epilepsy that was controlled for years and was given Drs clearance to work on a farm. He had a seizure 6 months after starting and lost his job due to obvious safety concerns. An older man I know was diagnosed with a heart condition and lost his job as a school bus driver but was still allowed to drive a car.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thankyou. I’ve been let go due to my face mask exemption. I have nasal issues (that doesn’t effect my work or my ability to do my job) that it’s almost impossible for me to breathe with a mask on. I got vaccinated with the threat of loosing my job. They are allowing workers who may have an exemption from the vaccine to work, but not supporting my face mask exemption. I’ve been in this job for over 14 years

Anon Imperfect Mum

What job do you do? For example, if you work with the elderly, without the mask you have a higher risk of transmitting it and they can die from covid.
They aren’t actually sacking you due to a medical condition, it’s due to your inability to wear a mask. A surgeon wouldn’t keep his job if he couldn’t wear a mask, pre covid or now.
Let us know what your job is....

Anon Imperfect Mum

As stated by the previous poster, if by not wearing a mask, you are putting others at risk, you won’t have a leg to stand on to defend that. If your role requires direct contact with vulnerable people, you need to wear a mask

Anon Imperfect Mum

You state you lost your job because of a medical condition. That you have a nasal issue where you can’t breathe if you wear a mask?
Then you also state that you got vaccinated with the threat of loosing your job?.
Everyone is in the same boat.
By talking about the vaccination and also you don’t can’t wear a mask makes me believe that you are apposed to both. Then I under stand why they wanted to let you go.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What an awful reply
What ever her belief she got the jab
She’s been working without a mask for 14 years and has an exemption
Sounds like the Employer is the ass

Anon Imperfect Mum

You state you lost your job because of a medical condition. That you have a nasal issue where you can’t breathe if you wear a mask?
Then you also state that you got vaccinated with the threat of loosing your job?.
Everyone is in the same boat.
By talking about the vaccination and also you don’t can’t wear a mask makes me believe that you are apposed to both. Then I under stand why they wanted to let you go.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have low blood pressure. Wearing a mask sometimes makes me dizzy and lightheaded. I work in aged care. I continue to wear a mask as its a requirement at my workplace regardless of whether I am able to gain a medical exemption. Its to protect the vulnerable residents in my care.
