Adult ADHD

Anon Imperfect Mum

Adult ADHD


Has anyone been diagnosed as an adult?

I was watching a tiktok the other day and the lady in the video was saying different behaviours that are commonly associated with having adhd. Quite a number of them I myself personally have and have never thought that I may have adhd but it would make alot of sense.

Has anyone here been diagnosed as and adult and what was the process if you don't mind sharing.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Behaviour, Aspergers & Autism

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes! And it changed my life for the better!

I started trying to understand myself better through an ADHD lens and stopped hating myself (as much but those issues are still there). I also got diagnosed with autism at the same time which has opened my eyes to so much about my childhood.
Adhd affects life more than just being unable to sit still and if you believe you have it then definitely get assessed. If you are brushed off and don’t believe you are being listened to then see a different specialist until you feel heard. Even if the result is negative for ADHD after that point, there is nothing to say you can’t use similar strategies that people with adhd use to make your life easier

Anon Imperfect Mum

My hubby has ADHD, from what I was told as a child he was that poster child.
I have known him from 18 years old, now 43 years old.

He has pretty much no off button until he is in bed asleep.
He is forgetful.
He doesn’t really know positive ways to get attention, even now he will annoy who ever till they give him something (positive or negative)
He is amazing and Super intelligent.
He is hyper focused on what ever he wants to achieve, then done and onto the next thing.
I went to an ADHD specialist to help me understand him. Best thing I did.
I had some hypnosis to stop me reacting to some behaviours.

He is super successful in running his own business, he has his pilots license, plays any instrument he picks up, teaches himself what ever he is interested in.
But he is exhausting, its only really been this year where he has understood that his unconscious actions are a lot for most people.
Some times I think he might be Bi Polar. In stressful situations he can be quite unpredictable, his behaviour can come from no where but he doesn’t remember doing what he did.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please remember everything is on a spectrum. So as much as you may relate to some behaviours it does not mean you will meet the criteria. Eg someone I know has to have the same coloured pegs on the line and was very particular about it. Did not mean she met the criteria for OCD. We have been over diagnosing everyone especially with ADHD. Sometimes it's actually related to trauma instead. I'm actually convinced it's more a societal issue. We as a society have become less tolerant of anything outside of what we consider the norm. We have pigeon holed people.
