Hi IM's
Recently i've been thinking about going vegetarian so I was wondering about other people's experiences how to go about it when kids are involved. A few questions... Can kids/toddlers have vegetarian meals as well and still get the recommended nutrients etc that they need to grow properly ?? If so can someone point me in the direction of a good website or app etc that has good kid friendly recipes that has a wide range of ingredients so they're not missing out on anything.
6 Replies
I think being vegaterian is fine for an adult but if u can avoid it of your a child I deff would. This is coming from aparent that has a vegaterian 7 yr old she has been like this since she was 2. I take her to the drs every 6 mths to have blood tests to make sure everything is fine, when she has growth spurts she gets very thin, so we have to make sure she has a lot of protein from other sources so she holds her weight. We have tried a lot of different things for this Our latest protein shakes. It's very stressful worrying if she is getting everything she needs with the food she eats and making sure she's healthy.
I looked into it, and although my kid is happy to eat vegetarian meals and go without meat he won't go near the kinds of foods that would make being a full vegetarian a healthy option for him. We have 2 days a week that are meat free and make sure we source our meat from as free range sources as we can get.
Lol I posted on here a few weeks ago about vegan but got slammed cos I wrote one sentence in there... And also didn't want to just do it for the animals but primarily for health with a bonus of less harm to animals!
Iv jumped both feet into rawtill4 and haven't looked back! My daughters tantrums have decreased ten folds (with a few other contributing factors) and she is sleeping soooooo much better as well as my blood work wing so much better ....
I got into it cos I just kept seeing and hearing more and more on how bad our dairy and meat is and how much shit they pump into it. Seriously you can get so many nutrient from things other than meat and dairy... Get researching , you will find a lot of good stuff and my daughter is less and less picky by the day! Our skin is brighter in filled with energy and I can eat as much as I want!
Throw spinach into smoothies and fruit ice blocks as a starting point that works a treat for my toddler she has almost a bag of spinach a day. I won't go into it all here but that's just one I find so easy to incorporate ...
Research research research and get a doctor to chart your and your kids bloods like I did when I was worried about changing
Good luck it's the best decision iv made since she was born!!! We
No longer eat all the processing that come with mean Industry now and as days go by I don't want meat less and less! And crave other protein rich vegies and dense fruits
Good luck, research research research xx
Sort if your on insta search #whatelviseats or freelee the banana girl (I prefer little Elvis' page as it's a mum raising a vegan baby)
Search vegetarian kids .... And plant based nutrient supplements on google find a supportive doctor and speak with them, a local health food store like flanneries? They will help you as have nutriction it's on site and most are vegetarian/vegan
Hi just wanted to say I am 22 years old and have been a vegatarian since 7 years old. My choice. I have always been perfectly healthy! The only time I have had low iron was after I gave birth to my daughter and it took about a year to get my iron back up. You just need to make sure the diet is well balanced. So plenty of nuts, legumes, beans, vegetables etc.
Also I eat no red or white meat but I do eat dairy and eggs.