Adhd medication and tic’s! Help

Anon Imperfect Mum

Adhd medication and tic’s! Help

I have a primary school aged son with adhd. He is on medication (vyvanse). He was on it last year and it worked well. Then he had a break for a few months and we decided to put him back on it 2 days ago. Today he has developed a tic. His eyebrows keep going up and down non stop. It’s driving him mad. He never had this problem before! Will it eventually stop or do I need to think about changing medication? Any info appreciated. Thankyou

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

This can happen. My son went months on ritilin with no dramas then all of a sudden he got a tick. Big hard blinks. We stopped the meds once we realised that was the cause

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have a look at the food intolerance network, google search. Sue Dengate has thorough information and has also written books on the subject. My son had tics ,caused by salicylates found in foods like tomato sauce, sultanas and juice.
