My 9 year old son has always been scared of being alone and the dark. He is an anxious child and had very bad separation anxiety when he was younger. It's taking hours for him to go to sleep at night as he is too scared to sleep. Some kids at school have told him some scary stories which is making it worse. We have a night light, keep the door half open, he sleeps in the same room as his sister and we lay down with him for 30 minutes (we used to lay with him.until he was completely asleep). He also wets the bed and I think it's because he is too scared to go to the toilet. Lately his behaviour has been terrible which I think is due to lack of sleep. Any suggestions to help him with his night time fears?
3 Replies
Awww poor baby. My son is like this. He still sleeps with us at 13 some nights because he is so anxious. I take my son to a child psychologist, please see one so he is supported with this terrible anxiety. He needs to learn how to manage it and given coping skills. The psychologist has helped my son. i give my son a melatonin gummy at night now which helps amazingly getting him off to sleep. I got them from iherb after consulting my Dr and reading about iherb on here. My Dr gave me the ok. Please get a care plan for your son for a child psychologist. My son prefers to see a female one.
Let him sleep in your room on a mattress the poor kid. Have him close by. Weighted blankets are great too. He needs professional help.
Poor little man is scared. I actually had my stepson share with me what he was scared of. He told me a scary man was hanging around for weeks. I told him ghosts are scared of me and that they always leave when I tell them to. So I told the man to leave in a booming voice and shooed him away while doing a little dance. He amazingly did not have problems after that lol. Go with his imagination. I had one child draw her monster and we imagined it shrinking until we could kick it and made a monster spray/put in Lavendar oil. Or make it into a funny story. The kids at school should be reported to Principal as I highly doubt it is just your child who is scared. My children got told those stupid stories and the Principal spoke in general at assembly about it. For that meemo thing we actually looked it up and I showed them the piece of art. We think by avoiding talking about it we are helping but we actually need to go with the fear, find out it's source and squash it.