Moving back after 2.5years away.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Moving back after 2.5years away.

2.5 years ago the kids and I packed up and left our lives in Qld and moved south the NSw. Bit of a back story, kids father and I separated 2.5 years before we moved due to him showing lack of commitment to the care of the children. His support in qld my support in nsw. Both our mental health's were suffering and he hadn't had overnight or any contact with the children for weeks before we moved due to mental health and then my mental health sufferer and I needed my family and suppor for the children so we moved 5 hours away.
Fast forward to now 2.5 years later, we (dad and i) are in a much better place, visitation has resumed regularly to the kids and the kids visit qld each school holidays.
As such lately 9year old girl (always a daddy's girl) has been acting out as such (wants to live with him, why didn't she get a choice etc etc was 6 years when we left,)

So we would be in a place to move back to qld providing we got a house to rent, a job for me wouldn't be hard to get and the kids( I also have a 5 year old and 7 year old) I would.find would settle well into another school.
Should I just make the move back? Or stay where we are settled now?

EDIT to add- the term ends in nsw on 3rd July and resumes in qld on the 11th, would it be too much on the kids for me to enrol them in a new school, see how they settle in, give it a month and then go from their, in that time I would take 2weeks leave from my job in nsw and spent most of it in qld looking for work and a place to rent before we made the big move again?

Thanks for any advice and if you made it too the end.

Posted in:  Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wouldn't it be easier for him to move closer to his kids rather than uprooting three children and their mum? If he wanted to be closer he could be. Its also a bit of a risk because once you go over the border he might make sure you can't move back if you try to later. If he loses interest again or something happens to you and you need support you will be stuck there.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes just do it

Anon Imperfect Mum

You probably won’t find a rental at this point. Can you stay with your ex until you find something or has he moved on with someone else living with him?
