How do I determine if I need help and where do I go for help? I can drink a bottle of wine a night and be fine. I don't drink every night but I could. I probably drink 3-4 bottles some weeks then maybe only 1-2 glasses a night every other night but then I can go a whole week or more without drinking anything. I don't feel drunk after a bottle at night but I do sleep well. If I go out with friends which is very very rarely these days, say once or twice every 6 months I will write myself off, as in I remember very little.
Now the problem is my partner doesn't drink and as much as he says he doesn't care if I drink, he does. He is a gym junkie. I am not. I have put on a lot of weight especially since covid and he is always encouraging me to exercise but I'd rather sit on the couch and drink wine. It hasn't affected us yet but it will.
How do I get out of this rut. Do I go see a doctor? Do I join AA? The thought of not drinking ever again sucks.
I think I have a drinking problem!?!
I think I have a drinking problem!?!
Posted in:
Mental Health, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour
9 Replies
You don’t sound like an alcoholic. My husband can’t go a day without alcohol, he is an alcoholic. I think you are drinking as a habbit and not an addiction, if that makes sense. I also think that is you aren’t into exercise then so what, your partner shouldn’t push it, if it’s not you. As long as he doesn’t start calling you names or putting you down for it. Sounds like it will become a problem though in the future.
If you enjoy a wine to relax then go for it. You are writing yourself off. I put in weight through covid too but least of my worries really. It will come off again slowly. Honestly I’d rather sit on the couch too and have a wine than go to the gym. It’s comfortable, relaxing and it’s my down time. Unless you can’t stop and are craving alcohol every single day then I think you are ok. So many people I know have a few each night.
You Aren’t writing yourself off.
Cut down to 2 glasses every second night or 1 glass each night. If you can’t do it then you have a problem and should ask your dr got advice. If you really need it and rely on it or it changes your moods, that’s when you have a problem.
It’s great you recognise something not quite right.
Even if it isn’t a problem now, it could be heading that way.
Dealing with the very early stages of addiction is so much easier than down the track,
Go have a chat with gp, can’t hurt,
You sound exactly like me. I basically made the decision to have a bit of a break more to prove to myself that I don’t need it. I’m going on 6 weeks without anything and don’t miss it. I have a wedding at the end of the year and I am ok with knowing if I feel like drinking I will but if I don’t then I won’t. I think it’s good to give yourself some space with alcohol to realise you don’t really need it as much as you think. It’s more about unwinding for me I think. Then when I have a night out I go absolutely crazy and right myself off. I totally get where you are coming from. I think you might need to Just start small with a week or even a few days and see how you feel. Xx
I used to binge drink every couple of weeks, but was never an "every day" drinker.
Now due to new meds, I can't drink at all (literally makes me vomit). So now I'm a non drinker, not by choice, but by circumstance.
My partner has a couple of beers most nights, and yeah, it bothers me. I don't even really know why. I fking HATE dealing with drunk people (always have even when drunk myself 😂😂).
Maybe YOU think it doesn't affect you at all, but it actually does, from an outside perspective.
Also I sometimes look at my partner and think "is something so wrong or boring in our life that you have to drink every night to deal with it? Like, can you not just be happy with me, sober?"
And that might be a bit stupid of me, because it's only 1 or 2, but there it is.
That you are questioning is a positive and shows your concern before it affects your life further
Smart recovery online
Get to the why - trauma needing to be healed?
Highly recommend Phil Cardow online therapy
No need to say never again just reduce
I wouldn't say you are an alcoholic, i would say you just enjoy it and its something to do.
Wine definitely isn't great for weight, so maybe try cut down for that side of things and if you can go days without it, maybe make it that you only have a drink during the week if you go out for dinner and then only have a wine on weekends, it'll help with weight. I don't feel drunk after a bottle of wine either, but i do once i hit about 1.5 bottles!
I have started drinking the low cal/lower volume alcohol wine. I find normal wine hits me harder.
Maybe just try going for a walk for 30 mins if you have weight issues , that will help you feel more motivated not to drink as much wine if you start losing some weight and have something else to fill your time. But i don't think you sound like you need help.
I think the fact you are asking this is telling you the answer! Start with a doctor, referral to a psych and figure out why you drink so much.
You can get some really great alcohol free alternatives so you can still be social and not drink.
I stopped drinking about 10 years ago. It took a while to get used to being sober but now I LOVE it! I hate it when I occasionally drink because I can’t drive home. I think in 10 years this has been 3 times. I’m certainly no fit spo and have other hobbies but I do not miss drinking even a little bit.