Mental health

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mental health

Hi mums I'm recently coming to terms with the fact I may have BPD my mum was supposed to get me checked as teenager for bipolar and although I don't want to put a label on myself I believe it's BPD but as an adult I now have a 4 year old daughter and I've put off going to any doctors because my mum has constantly said as soon as I search for help they will instantly take my daughter and I love her more than anything on this earth and would never do anything to harm her in anyway but I've been made so terrified. Can I ask if theres any mums with BPD that have gotten help and how was it I'm constantly in my head and I want help but I'm terrified

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sorry to be blunt but your mother is talking out of her ass! She's buying into the super harmful stigma and it's probably why she never had you assessed as a teen.

Seeking mental health treatment IS NOT grounds to have a child removed from your care. If anything, it actually shows that you're looking after yourself so that you have the tools and are in the right frame of mind to be the best parent you can be.

Severe untreated mental health issues are actually more likely to result in intervention from social services.

My own mother has bipolar, she's spent the majority of my life untreated/unmedicated/extremly unstable because she also didn't want the label, she believes there's nothing wrong with her it's literally everyone else that's got the problem.
Amongst other things, she spends money obsessively, to the point we'd have no food growing up but she'd have 6 new handbags come pay day.
She had/has an explosive temper and mood swings that'd give us kids whiplash and leave is walking on eggshells most of the time.
She had/has no filter and can say the most offensive and hurtful things without care.
She has clinical narcissistic traits.
Growing up my siblings and I pretty much wore the fallout of her unregulated emotional state and now as adults our relationship with her is basically non existent.

My biggest wish is that she valued herself and us kids enough to acknowledge that she needed help and to go on and actually seek that help because maybe things would have turned out differently for all of us.

If you believed you had some kind of physical ailment, you'd seek help right?
You wouldn't just put up with a broken leg or you wouldn't ignore symptoms of say diabetes yeah?
You deserve that same level of care and attention for your mental health as well. You and your daughter deserve to live the best life possible, so please consider seeing your GP to get the ball rolling.

You've got this. You're strong and you're a good mum! It's time to start taking care of you. Best of luck ❤

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please stop listening to your mum. This is not true!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Unmanaged mental health issues can lead to child protection involvement or custody issues, but getting supports in place that help you be stabilised aren't a flag, ever.

Anon Imperfect Mum

do this for your daughter, for her quality of life as well as your own.
no-one will take her off you for doing what's best for the both of you.
i dont know you, but congrats on taking the first step, you deserve a peaceful, happy existence.
life is never perfect and neither are we, but having some self awareness and tools to handle tough situations can make all the difference x

Anon Imperfect Mum

you also need someone with experience in personality disorders to treat you, any old psychologist won't do.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think she means Bipolar Disorder, not Borderline Personality Disorder by the rest of the post.

Anon Imperfect Mum

oh okay, in that case, a good psychiatrist.
Op have you had any psychotic episodes?
Bipolar isnt just moody, its like a low depression for months where you are barely able to function and the high end with psychosis (losing touch with reality).
have you ever been hospitalised?
it runs in my family.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have bipolar and omg has it been a roller-coaster as I wasn't diagnosed till 28. My mum always said it was adhd until I had a psychotic episode. Kids will definitely not be taken off you. I was seeing a psychiatrist regularly but at the moment I feel stable yes I'm taking my medication. Good luck see at gp for a referral
