So, I’ve been here before and the reality is sinking in that my 18yo is going to move out with friends next year.... while it tears at my heart .... his growth and independence is important... so I want to get some little things together as I know he will want to do big important things himself.... I was thinking towels, soap, shampoos etc as well as smoothie maker and sandwich press etc he will obviously take things from here too .... just wondering if anyone who’s been here has suggestions/ideas thanks
What to get my teen when he moves out
What to get my teen when he moves out
Posted in:
Life Lessons, Parenthood Guilt, Teenagers, Tips and Advice
4 Replies
I'm on my third kid to move out. I haven't had to buy anything but I do try and give what I have extra of. I think it's exciting for them to go and buy it all themselves, if you want to help out buy a Kmart voucher, that is the best place to buy when just starting out.
Gift card!
All new cooking stuff I reckon. Decent knives, a pair of saucepans, a frying pan, an air fryer or deep fryer, slow cooker, pie maker, thermomix - whatever suits the style of food he likes. Then a dinner set, cutlery, glasses etc.
We can do without a lot of things when we first emerge into the world. Food isn't one of them.
I ended up getting two sets of the Coles MasterChef knives when that promotion was going on, between my points and my mum’s points. I’ve put a set away for both my boys. I also went through my Tupperware cupboard recently and pulled out everything that doesn’t get used regularly. Some has been stored for my eldest who will most likely move out next year, some has been stored for the youngest. I’ll probably start throwing the eldest’s preferred toiletries in the trolley when I shop over the next few months so he’s got a stock pile of things he won’t need to worry about getting as he gets used to his new independent living arrangements.