Skin picking

Anon Imperfect Mum

Skin picking

So my daughter is a picker of sores. She has always loved to pick at little sores and mozzie bites etc. we are in a place where the midges are attacking her. She has picked each one and now has an mrsa infection in them. I’ve tried so much to get her to stop, I’ve been googling and researching. Please help a frustrated mumma out. Thanks

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Kids

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I do this and it's based on anxiety.
Is she an anxious kid?
Try things to redirect the habit. I've been looking at getting some of those spinning rings for my fingers.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am a skin picker and it's anxiety related for me.
It can also be a form of self harm. Without dismissing it, worth looking into. I did this as a form of self harm for many years, I couldn't cut and didn't want to die or attention but I did it for the pain and release I got when it hurt cause I picked too deep etc.
I would possibly loom into professional support if it's due to anxiety.

I used stress balls and fidget stuff to help me, I still pick but not too extent I did in my teens and 20s

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son has anxiety and picks at the skin around his fingers when he’s anxious. He’s 15 and been seeing a psychologist for about 3 years. He doesn’t pick as often anymore, but when he is or if he’s extra fidgety I mention it to his psychologist at the next appointment, who delves into what’s going on with my son.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I also do this, it’s anxiety related, and can also be a form of OCD- in my case it’s both. I will literally pick anything, and if it’s a particularly stressful day I will end day bleeding all over

Picking is actually almost relieving, so even redirecting her won’t make much difference. I suggest seeing a psychologist and getting on top of it. It’s embarrassing and I loathe the need to do it. I literally cannot stop, no matter how hard I try. It prevents me from going places, seeing people etc.
