Looking for personal experiences with getting tubes tied? Good, bad and ugly x
EDIT: We have talked about a vasectomy but I would prefer to have my own contraception.
I'm married, 27 and have 2 beautiful girls aged 3.7 years and 1.8 years. Both pregnancy's were painful and difficult and we both feel like we are 100% happy and content with family of 4.
I've done my research and feel like getting my tubes tied is my best/ favourite option.
Any and all comments are helpful, thank you so much mummas!
4 Replies
If it's a mutual decision, he can get the snip. There are less complications, it's not intrusive surgery and it's more effective
Click the four lines in the upper left corner, type in tubal ligation and all the previous posts on that topic and their responses will pop up.
Your welcome.
Glad I got mine done. Hormonal contraceptions dont react well for me, and really needed to get off of them. I wasn’t in a serious relationship at the time and so although I didn’t want more kids, I couldn’t ask the guy to do something. Still used condoms but I don’t trust them.
No issues for me, and quick recovery. I was back to normal within a week.
One thing to make sure of is knowing how your body, menstrual cycle is like off of hormonal contraceptives. My period and cycle has always been fairly easy. I do know of people who ended up back on hormonal contraceptives anyway.
If my body handled things like implanon etc I would have just stuck with that.
PS ask how they plan to do the procedure, cut/clamp/etc and ask about the risk of ectopic pregnancies. Nothing is risk free.
I had mine done during my csection with my second baby.
Mine were cut, tied and burnt. I am almost at 3 years and I haven't had any issues. My periods are the same as before, no heavy bleeding or bad pain.
I am not sure about healing as I was healing from the csection at the same time but I was feeling good around the 2/3 week mark and I was still able to look after baby and 2 year old.
It was definitely the best choice for us