One parent on birth cert & passport

Anon Imperfect Mum

One parent on birth cert & passport

Wishing to apply for my 4.5 year olds passport.
Father isn't on birth cert however pays child support.
Im filling out the passport application and have given all of dads known details, any idea on how long these applications take to process or advise on what additional supporting evidence I can write on the form. Dad has had no contact since 11months old.

Posted in:  Kids

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I didn't think you had to if he wasn't on the birth certificate? They're not going to know he pays child support.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It asks on the form if another person pays child support, as thats considered another person with parental responsibility

Anon Imperfect Mum

That makes more sense then. I just know whenever the subject comes up about putting absent parents on birth certificates people say don't because it makes it easier to get a passport etc so this confused me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to do a B8 form, one parent on birth certificate, then you need to give court orders and if there are none then you apply for special circumstances under the proviso - no contact with absent parent for a substantial amount of time.
I’d say four years of no contact is substantial enough that it will go through fine but I’m sure they’ll need to check that and they can contact him/ try to contact him before making the decision. I don’t think it’ll be an issue considering your circumstances, as long as you do the right forms.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s the worst process. 15 weeks for us and still waiting. I’ve contacted at least 5 times and been told different information every time. My latest update was that it’s been escalated (due to the amount of times I’ve contacted). Great, so I asked when I should expect a response and I was advised no later than 3 days prior to travel.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I went through this recently. As dad is paying CS they will contact him for his consent. If consent is not given it goes to a different department for it to be considered. If they reject it goes to court at your cost. Please also remember you need both parents ok to travel overseas. In some countries it is jail time if you attempt to enter without written consent from dad
