Dental Implant

Anon Imperfect Mum

Dental Implant

Can anyone who's had a dental implant give me some advice share their experience! I need to get one done and I've done loads of research, was feeling good till the receptionist qt the dentist freaked me out!! It was like she was trying to talk me out of it saying how bad it is to get done!! Now I'm stressed about it! Help 😣 (side note, it's a tooth closer to the front where leaving a gap could cause issues with other teeth moving and a crown will destroy 3 teeth so implant it is)

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Money

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am in the process of getting an implant on my front tooth due to a car accident years ago (originally the tooth was saved but after 15yrs it started to die so an implant is the only way to go). I had a bit of trouble and it's been a long process. I had to get the original tooth removed and a temporary bridge was put in while it healed (I did have a reaction after this process so took a bit longer). After that healed, the actual implant was placed (the metal screw that goes in) and another temporary bridge has been placed while that heals. I still have a couple more weeks until the actual tooth gets put on the implant and it will be complete. Overall it hasn't been that bad as in pain wise (day or 2 sore and swollen after procedures). The thing that has been the worse for me is waiting each time for healing. Depending on exactly what you need done you may be lucky and be able to have the tooth put on straight after the implant. Waiting for me was worse but if you have any specific questions, just ask.
