Hello All,
My son started kindergarten this year in NSW so first official year of schooling. He settled in well and was happy to go first few weeks then all of a sudden the past few weeks he has shown signs of anxiety every morning about going, he is vomiting every morning from this. I ask him what he is nervous about and he will say different things such as the classroom, the hall, the carline marque, so I can't pinpoint what is bothering him. Once I drop him and his sister to school he walks off fine and is happy when I pick him up every afternoon, I have spoken to his teacher and she has said he has settled in well and has not noticed anything in the classroom with him. I am at a loss on what to do, I have taught him to take deep breaths when he feels like this, has anyone else experienced something like this? Would really like to hear what was done and did it pass?
Anxiety kindergarten has anyone gone through this??
Anxiety kindergarten has anyone gone through this??
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3 Replies
Yes my son was like this, I had to take him to a child psychologist. Please get a care plan and referral
For one. It’s the only one for you and him to get through it. It’s honestly the best thing
And now only for now but for ongoing treatment for years to come. My son is now 14 and I still take him when anxiety comes up. It’s been an amazing help for us. Get him to draw what he thinks is happening at home while he is at school. My son thought my husband and I would be hurt at work, while he was at school. The psychologist is amazing what they can get out of them, things we would never think of. The school also used to have him go to the office every morning for 15-20 mins and draw or play to ease him into the day. Little things in the classroom can be triggers. Like teacher yelling or being made to answer questions in front of kids. Ask the teacher to not place any attention on him like standing up in class and talking etc, where he is the main focus, it could be a trigger also for his anxiety.
Also it didn’t pass, we just learn how to cope with it and it gets better with professional help but it’s always there. That’s the age it comes to light, when they are no longer home with mum in their comfort zone. My son isn’t as bad as he once was at that age but it’s still there and it’s just his make up of who he is and it’s mostly genetic.
I've been through this. It did not pass. Like an idiot I believed all the teachers who said he was fine, take deep breaths, keep pushing etc etc. I believed it for years and didnt relaise he was masking it and it was eating him alive. Until it broke my son. Mentally and emotionally broke him. He is now has severe social anxiety so bad he can barely leave his bedroom. He is medicated to no effect, cannot see a doctor due to being unable to leave the house, and is homeschooled. He is scared of the whole world.
Please get some outside of school support for your son. Please find out what he is scared off and please, please believe him when he talks. And most of all ignore anyone who tells you he is being naughty, is fine once you leave, needs to try harder or anything else they will try to lie to you about. Your boy needs help and support now.
Don't make the same mistakes I did.