Phone for kids

Anon Imperfect Mum

Phone for kids

My 11 yo wants a phone. She tells me most kids in her class have one. I’m not on board this at all. But it got me thinking, am I in the minority? Am I old fashioned in this view that I feel grade 6 is too young for a phone?
Edited to add: what safety measure do parents put in place for their children using iPhones?

Posted in:  Kids, Teenagers

10 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Both of my boys started out with a basic talk and text phone in grade 7. They both had iPads for school so they didn’t need smartphones as well.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don’t do it! My kids 14 and 15 do not have phones and I won’t give in to it either. They are the only kids without one and how amazing that a phone isn’t affecting my kids mental health. How amazing is it that kids can’t bully them via phones. How amazing is it that we don’t follow everyone else and most of all how amazing is it that I get my kids undecided attention each night without their faces staring at their phones. The best part of all, I know that my kids aren’t involved in all the bullying and bickering that comes with teenagers and phones. Just because the rest do it, doesn’t mean you have to go against what you believe. Teachers love that my kids don’t have phones. I know my kids are safe and arent messaging anyone and everyone at school. Unless there is a medical reason for it then my kids don’t need phones. Each to their own but it’s certainly not something I want for my kids. They have their whole life ahead of them with phones. I will do what it takes to hold that off for as long as I can.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This, so much this!!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

A year ago I wouldn't have agreed with you. Until my 12 year old daughter tried to unalive herself because of the bullying and other crap that goes on between these kids all day everyday via their phones. We took the phone away, to many tantrums. She nows thanks us for taking it away and doesn't want another one until she is an adult.
When we went to the school about it the police ended up involved because it was found that 12 year olds where sending sexual pictures of themselves to each other on the school computers via social media.
Phones should only be given to a child when absolutely necessary, such as long travel to school on public transport etc, and only a basic phone. And even then they need very strict controls.
No snapchat, messenger or social media of any kind. What goes on between kids on there is horrifying.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hold out as long as you can! They don’t need a phone to message friends after school. She can do that on any family device.
Unless she really needs it for safety, hold out and then a basic old fashioned one

Casey Spencer

My kids have cheep androids. I use an app called family link to control their phone from mine. I can lock their phone, monitor how long they use it, set timers, block apps. They can't download anything with out my knowing about it. It also tracks locations and you can add addresses to be notified they went there... so I get notified when the arrive at school, or leave. If they go to a place iv told them not too.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You aren’t old fashioned , you are smart and if you could see ahead in 2-3 years, you will be glad you never got her one.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son got a mobile at 16, when he started catching the bus to the city for school.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Good job mum. I think this is when kids need them. When they actually have a good purpose.

Anon Imperfect Mum

For most kids it is at the start of high school, that's when they start becoming more independent and have to get public transport to school. I know most parents didn't have phones when they were at school but its different now, kids aren't as street smart as we were, there's no public phones and there's less businesses and people willing to help if a kid approached asking for help.
