hey mums i need help my once so kind caring son has just become so disrespectful towards me more then any one really hes just so mean and nasty if i say no to him he will call me a b!@ch and thats the nice one i got a call from the school to say hes been swearing at kids at school and then today found out hes not been taking his medication for ADHD witch would explain the behaviour change but i have always said if you dnt wanna take it tell me and we can seek different options i have 3 other kids and hubby is fifo so it just me home with them am i doing something wrong am i not hearing him like what can i do to fix this it breaks my heart seeing him so angry at what im not sure he wnt talk to me tells me to shut and f#@k off if i ask him to get ready for school he will say shut up dont rush me any advice or help would be great
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