After a recommendation for Retinoid to include in my skin care routine. Beginner here and think it is time to add it.
Retinoid skin care
Retinoid skin care
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Self Care, Health & Wellbeing
After a recommendation for Retinoid to include in my skin care routine. Beginner here and think it is time to add it.
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2 Replies
Try The Ordinary.
It was a life saver for me... but u may have to shop around to find one that suits your skin. Some made me really oily, others too dry.
I use olay retinal night creme, and esseno retinal. Always use at night.
I have acne prone skin, like big ugly cysts. I use a benzine acne wash, which hazal to cleanse, and vitamin c syrum + q basic oil free moisturiser of a morning, and than wash, witch hazal, retinal syrum and olay of a night. Exfoliate weekly. Coal peel mask weekly.