Fussy toddler

Anon Imperfect Mum

Fussy toddler

Help! My son is the fussiest eater, we can’t get him to eat or even try fruit/vegetables. We have cut it in all different shapes and sizes, puréed fruit, done smoothies but he refuses it all. The only time I can get some veggies into him is grating it so finely and putting it into a bolognaise sauce.! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, we will try anything!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don’t force it. Try some vitamin drinks or something for back up but don’t push it with food. He will eventually eat it. Have you tried frozen fruit. My friend son was the same and she is a Dr, they had to pretty much let him him eat what he would and ride it out until he was older, now he eats a bit more but still not much more. Keep trying to hide it and don’t give any treats, sweets etc. it could be texture too. It doesn’t hurt to take him to someone if you get worried but they’ll tell you not to force it, you are doing the right things.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Could you try cooking different ways? Change the texture and flavour. Grill pineapple to get a caramelly taste. A bit of melted cheese on cauliflower. Dried broccoli and kale are crunchy like crisps. I still grate onion into sauces and rissoles - my kids hated the texture but I couldn't handle the lack of flavour without onion....
The other thing I found successful was involving them in the food prep. Getting them to wash, chop, grate, stir. taste as we prepared meals. Gave things fun names. Took the mystery out of food and also they were more likely to eat things they had made. Good luck!

Anon Imperfect Mum

My kids ate everything til about 18 months old. My son is 5 and just starting to eat more now.

Up until now his diet consisted of air fried chicken nuggets and chips, apples, bananas, yoghurt, Mac n cheese, popcorn and cheese sandwiches.

He has started to ask for pizza, meatballs spag bol and sausage rolls, which I now add pureed roasted veggies to. Lastnight he asked for scrambled eggs on toast, so that is what I made him and he went back for seconds.

He is still very fussy but slowly getting better
