Preparing a will

Anon Imperfect Mum

Preparing a will

I am looking at preparing a will, will be looking at doing a free online will kit.

I have a 13yo child(ASD, ADHD), single parent. No house(currently saving towards owning), own my own car, no real big assets.

What are some things you stipulated in your will or wished a family member may have stipulated in theirs?


Posted in:  Life Lessons, FAQ

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm not sure about online will kits. Making sure instructions are clear & how money is to be managed for your child's needs and ensuring it can't be pilfered is very important.

You might have life insurance through your super so don't discount that as an asset when planning.

Apologies if you already know, but many people I know don't - Super is dealt with separately to your will. Make sure you do a 'binding death nomination'. The standard is often non-binding.

Binding = Fund MUST pay out to who you nominate.
Non- binding= a preference on who it's paid to, but the fund decides. Anyone can apply for a chunk & might well get it.
