Website to check for last Pap smear?


Website to check for last Pap smear?

Is there a website I can go to, to check when my last Pap smear was? I can’t remember when my last one was. Thankyou

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies


Would it be on My Health Record? I literally have just one thing on there about medication I was prescribed, nothing about hospital admissions or other meds but you might have better luck than me. Also make sure you're not having it earlier than 5 years because you will get a bill for it. They are meant to be free but only if you wait 5 years.


What? Isn't it recommended to get a pap smear every two years? That's what I have done and I've never paid for any


It's five now, unless you have markers that require closer monitoring.

I was told by the nurse that would be done by an obgyn, if I remember correctly.


No, its been changed to 5 years and the test is slightly different doesn't involve the big crank to open you up eww. I got caught with my last one, I thought I was overdue but I wasn't and ended up with a bill from the lab because Medicare won't cover it.


There is a national register if your on it you'll get a reminder.

Can you remember where you had it done? Can you check with them?
