At what age does a child stop seeing a paediatrician?
Then who prescribes the medication that previously only the paediatrician was allowed to prescribe?
Whilst my son is only 11, sitting in then waiting room, he already seems quiet older then the other children waiting to be seen.
Age range for seeing a paediatrician
Age range for seeing a paediatrician
Posted in:
Health & Wellbeing
3 Replies
I think it depends on the paediatrician. My 18 year old was seeing his paediatrician privately for diagnosis and ongoing management of ADHD. She was happy to continue seeing him past his 18th birthday until he was able to get an appointment with an adult psychiatrist, but as he was stable on his medication his GP was able to take over management and continue prescribing until he was able to get an appointment with a psychiatrist. I have heard stories of private paediatricians no longer seeing teenagers once they turn 16, yet adult psychiatrists won’t see them until 18.
My 16 year old sees all of his specialists publicly at QCH. His general paediatrician, who he sees just to ensure he sees all of the other specialists he needs, has said she will try to keep him at the children’s hospital as long as possible so he can have his final few surgeries with the surgeons who know him and his history. Usually they start transitioning teenagers to the adult system once they start grade 12, but adult wait times are worse than the children’s wait time, so if everything can be done before he transitions it’ll be better for my son.
I asked my son's paed about this and she said it depends.
If they are a full time worker at say 17, then they would probably be directed to adult services.
But if they are still a student, they might keep seeing paed.
It's kind of a case by case thing, by the sounds of it.