Almost 40 and no friends.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Almost 40 and no friends.

I’m going through a really hard time emotionally right now. I’m almost 40 and I have no friends. I have no one I can have a coffee with, no one I can have a chat with, no one I could go out with. Just no one. I see people on Facebook who hang out with friends and do so many fun things together and it makes me so so upset. I’ve always wanted to do a party for my 40th but I have no one to invite. I’ve tried to make friends, must be just something about me that just doesn’t click with anyone. It’s all I can think about lately. It’s really, really getting me down. Sorry for the rant. Just needed to get it out somewhere.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Where do you live? I feel the same but I'm 32. It was the worst feeling especially when I was single as I felt like I had no one. Now at least I have my husband which is a huge help but I would like at least a couple of friends to hang out with too.

Anon Imperfect Mum

In regards to your birthday, take the money you would have spent on a party and do something special for yourself. Go somewhere you've always wanted to go, or do an experience, or treat yourself to a day spa.
As far as making friends, yes it's harder as we are older because people need to make more of an effort than when we were young, but think of a hobby or something that interests you and join a club/gym/activity. Alternatively if you have kids, get involved in the school, help in the canteen, volunteer for things, you may get lucky and find other people in the same boat as you

Anon Imperfect Mum

I could have written this! I’m also almost 40 and have no one except my husband & kids. I’m trying to plan a party (because I love parties) and it’s basically just family I’d invite. I always see on Facebook old school friends still in touch & are friends with at least one person from school. It really hits when you go through these milestones and see what everyone else is up to and see them surrounded by friends, and you realise you have no one.
If you’re in Sydney, reach out x

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m the same and feeling you on this
Turning 50 this year and no party because no one to invite
I struggle to make friends and tend to keep more to myself as it can be daunting meeting people
I never know how people feel about me so don’t put myself out there as I don’t want to be rejected
Big hugs to you

Anon Imperfect Mum

I always feel really sad when I see posts like this. All I can say is, it's scary to put yourself out there but it's never too late to make new friends. I started adult jazz just before I turned 30 and made some wonderful friends. Then about 5 years ago I joined a gym, signed up for some challenges and met the most beautiful supportive women. I have always been very introverted so I really never imagined I would still be able to make new friends at nearly 40!
Maybe look at hobbies that put you in touch with likeminded people, or meet up groups. Or if you enjoy being active, look into gym, dance etc. I hope find your tribe.

Anon Imperfect Mum

i understand totally. i’m 56 and have a couple of friends i can have coffee with and otherwise just have acquaintances. i’m always happy to meet some new potential friends. i’m in sydney if you or anyone reading this would like to meet up.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This group could be something you can attend to meet new people, it’s called Impactors on Facebook.
It’s just starting out and they need support, doesn’t matter if you’re not a business owner. I attended one of the meet up and the ladies were really friendly and welcoming to talk to.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm the same but I'm a massive introvert. Remember extroverts tend to recharge in social situations. Introverts tend to become a bit exhausted. I embrace who I am but it does tend to leave me feeling a little isolated at times..
