Being held back a year?

Being held back a year?

My twins are in grade 4 and not doing well. They're still at the developing level with lots of support. I don't know what to do? Does anyone elses kids struggle through school? What did you do? Has anyone held their kids back a year? How did that go? Did they improve? Was their emotional wellbeing ok after that? They haven't had any specific learning diagnosis. Poor motor skills, and working memory problems. I struggled through school aswell, and dread my kids being miserable adults with low self-esteem and not much of a future to work towards. The same as me. I wish I had of got the help I needed. But I don't know what that help looks like? What did you do?

Posted in:  Education

2 Replies


Have the school discussed holding back? Most won’t do it anymore. Have you taken them to paediatrician? If they’re struggling, there’s a reason. They also need the diagnosis to get the support of adjusted curriculum to meet their needs.


My child was held back in year 3. We got him so much help with tutoring and it helped a great deal. But we also chose to change schools so he wasn't a target for bullying.
I'd speak to his teacher befor making any choices. It could just be a case of needing more one on one in class, or a change in methods of learning, like more hands on rather than watch and learn.
By year 6, my boy was topping his classes with the extra support
