Weight gain

Anon Imperfect Mum

Weight gain

My weight is changing. I'm storing fat and it keeps on growing.
I use to be very active. I use to run 9kms+ a day. Then I started working (on my feet all day) I would finish a 12.30 and come home and run 3kms.
Life changed and I need a new job. I got a 9-5 office job. So I sit all day. I've had this job a year now. However I've put on 6.5kgs. Lately I have been trying to take some off. But it has gained to a 2kg weight gain. I don't do the gym or weights
I'm dying in side. Non of my clothes fit.
I grew up with Anorexia Navosa. I've always had body image/weight issues.
I'm not sure what I'm asking.
My mum says it's because I'm almost 30. And it's hormonal.
Would anyone recommend a dietitian. Or anything else.
A little piece in side me is turning off

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You're not as active. I don't believe hormones cause weight gain . I'm menopausal and in fact lost weight as soon as my periods stopped. You haven't gained much, but it seems more like it's just because you're more sedentary now and probably even eating the same . You need less food when you're not as active.

Cut out carbs and sugars.

Well done though for trying to sort it out now before it gets out of control. A lot of women do nothing until they're far too big and then wonder what happened. By then it becomes much harder to get on top of it all.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I gained 15 kg in 3 months
Nothing else changed
Unheard of
Was beginning of peri
Other symptoms were hip ache and a shorter period
I have had to change my eating (I’m now full menopause)

Anon Imperfect Mum

No it's not just hormonal. I put on 30kg sitting behind a desk all day and I used to be fit and healthy. Worse the mentally draining part of the job still left me feeling tired at the end of the day. We are not supposed to sit all day!

I added in walking at lunch time. Some peddles under my desk and getting up earlier to exercise before work. Also cut out lunch as I am not burning those carbs off and moved my dinner to soon after getting home. It's takes some effort to work it out but I would certainly not blame age as I lost a whole lot of weight mid 30s.

Keep an eye on the AN and definitely seek Dietician, therapist to keep an eye on it all and make sure you do not go too far with it.


Anon Imperfect Mum

Definitely a dietician & eating disorder counsellor. The last thing you need is a relapse!!!

I found the only thing that worked for me is calorie counting (and don't lie to yourself!!!) and cutting out booze.
I could have a fantastic week, hit my calories and exercise every day, but if I had one night on the booze I'd come in even or slightly over on the scales.
No booze = 1 -1.5kg weight loss consistently.

Also if I exercised, that did not mean I could have extra treats.
I used to go walking with a work friend a couple times a week, and every day that she exercised she got take out for dinner "because I earned it". She kept gaining & just couldn't understand it.

I often take sneakers to work & get off the train 1-2 stops early, and walk home from there. That made a huge difference; headphones on & heaps of people around due to the time of day, so no fear of dodgy walking tracks in the dark etc.

Kelly LeBlanc

I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way. Please seek the guidance of a professional, such as a dietitian that specialises in eating disorders. Do not take the advice of anyone else. Sending you love
