Mirena iud period??

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mirena iud period??

How do I tell the difference between a slight period lingering or is it brownish discharge (sorry tmi), almost a month after mirena iud put in? First time having an iud so I’m not sure what to expect.

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Brownish means old blood. So it's likely just what's left from it being inserted. You may spot for a couple of months but in most cases, your cycle will stop all together.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not sure how you tell however once I had the Mirena that discharge and bleeding did not stop for 6 months for me. I made the Dr take it back out because it also stank. Apparently the wires collected too much and gave me an infection. 🤢
