Period product suggestions

Anon Imperfect Mum

Period product suggestions

Let’s talk periods. My 10yr old just got her first period.
What are people’s suggestions on period undies for their daughters, and period swimmers.
I would love to know brands people have used and love.

Posted in:  Teenagers, Puberty

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't love any of them and have tried different brands! I just can't stand the thought of staying in it all day, very annoying changing undies in the middle of the day and most of them are dark so you can't see the flow. I just use them as a back up so I still wear pads or tampons with them. She is very young I would try and get her used to pads so she learns her flow and when to change.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Period undies are awesome. They're not all equal though. Try modibody

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m menopausal so haven’t tried any personally but my teenager loves the Bonds brand. She only uses them overnight and uses pads during the day. She has tried three brands, modi body, Kotex and bonds. Of the three she said the bonds are the most comfortable.
If she was still in school she said that period undies would be a great and comfortable option even if she had to change at lunch time (she always had a little pack in a makeup bag in her school bag anyway). My best advice is to buy some and have your daughter try them and see which ones she likes the best.
