Tick disorders in the classroom

Anon Imperfect Mum

Tick disorders in the classroom

Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering for parents with kids with a tick disorder do your kids go to school and how does that work out? My son has very distracting ticks but is currently doing distance education. He also has to get up regularly and jump around or run. He might want to go back to face to face school for Year 8 but I'm not sure how it's meant to work without them excluding him. I hate how he has to miss out on high school but I also can see it's just not going to be a regular experience for him regardless. His new teachers on his online class are constantly telling him to mute his mic because of his ticks. But they were suggesting last year that he goes to highschool. Due to anxiety about his epilepsy he didn't want to do it. I'm just after any advice. When he used to go to school in early primary he was constantly excluded. He once climbed under a table and they evacuated the class and another time they did the same when he pinched a kid ( he said he didn't). And another time when he didn't want to dance and was crawling on the floor. I'm not even joking. So if primary can exclude him for such things so easily what will a high school do? He didn't qualify for any special programs in primary with his autism so that's why I moved him online.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Aspergers & Autism

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

as a fellow autism mum, I would ask this questions in a Tourettes/ autism specific private Facebook group.

The other parents will be able to ask questions and will be more open with you about there experiences and I found the lifelong connections I made in those groups invaluable for support and information.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just wondering if you have looked into diet, specifically Sue Dengate's book Fed Up, and the Food Intolerance Network on the internet. When my son was in primary school he had weird blinking and involuntary hand movements, plus he used to bang his knees together so much they had constant bruises. I dicovered that foods with salicsylates were much of the problem. Foods like tomato sauce, sultanas, apple juice which were a big part of his diet and once stopped the difference was amazing. My GP is pretty good, but he just thought my son may have had mild Tourettes and said the meds were too extreme to help him. Doesn't really help your specific question, but well worth looking into.
